Needles Under Nails by Melina Raven Maness DieboldTorture
The state of me right now
Without you is torture
but moreso
the you not wanting me is a stronger vise
You let your absent stares
dig needles under my nails
and your nonchalance
drops water in my face
each passing-by without a making-up
another drop
At least an apology could ease
the shocks
the torture
To see you with her...
She doesn't even realize what she is to me
a teenage Iron Maiden
she may not care...
Then your delightful smiles
curl into a cat o' nine tails
to amplify my anguish of your absense
I just don't understand
why you don't
love me 12/10/2004 Author's Note: true story
Posted on 12/10/2004 Copyright © 2025 Melina Raven Maness Diebold