

by Jersey D Gibson

Time moving slower, can't keep up,
eyes closing faster, can't wake up.
Teacher getting duller, can't stay awake,
girls in the bathroom, smoking away.

Another test, just my luck...
Another test, just my luck...
Another test, just my luck...

No recess!

Cheerleaders in prom, glitzing so high,
potheads in the smoke room, getting high.
Popularity's the thing, wanting more,
skanks in the bathrooms, wanting more.

Guns in the classroom, just my luck...
Guns in the classroom, just my luck...
Guns in the classroom, just my luck...

We recess!
We Regress!

Boys in there cars, revving so hard,
teachers drinking hard, visiting bars.
Police in the classrooms, security,
another pregnant teenager, not by me.

Metal detectors, just my luck...
Random searches, just my luck...
Got detention, just my luck...

No recess!
No recess!
No recess!

No reason to learn, we teach ourselves,
the ways of life, we brace ourselves.
Pimps and murderers, in our schools,
all our parents, must be fools.

In high school again, just my luck...
In high school again, just my luck...
In high school again, just my luck...

No escape!
No escape!
No escape!


Author's Note: Poem Of The Month! March2005

Posted on 12/08/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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