
I Want To Hit You With My Car

by Jersey D Gibson

It's another typical Monday,
where nothing seems to go right.
Speeding tickets, moving violations,
think I'm gonna run the next light.

It could have been today would have been a good day,
you motherfuckers better get the hell outta my way!

I just want to hit you with my car!
I don't think I'm taking this too far!
I just want to hit you with my car!

It's another typical shitty day,
where the whole world is going to hell.
Why do I have to be alone in misery,
when I can take everyone else as well?

My job is the pits, too damn many bills,
you motherfuckers make me want to kill!

I just want to hit you with my car!
I know I'll end up behind bars!
I just want to hit you with my car!


Posted on 12/05/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Alicia Vann on 12/05/04 at 08:10 AM

Dang, you may be having a worse day then me, but let's just say, I've been in touch with that emotion.

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