
I Hate It Here! (A Rant) #2

by Jersey D Gibson

Almost a full year in with the military. I never realized how stupid people can be sometimes. Trust me, noone holds a monopoly on stupidity. It's more of a socialist program, everyone gets some, but others like to abuse the privledge.

The televison must be one of the most amazing inventions of our time. Nowhere cane we find out more crap as to why human's shouldn't exist than on the boob tube. We veg out on it's comforting light waves, which I'm sure we'll find out is a carcenogenic sooner or later. But we can't get enough, can we?

We've left one holiday spur (Elections) and slam head first into another (Christmas). Both we've capitalize to the extreme. I've always wondered how much money flows around during the Elections. Not just the canidates, but newspapers, books, flyers, commercials, etc. No wonder the rest of the world hates us. The rest of the world solves their elections with bullets and martyrs. We riun everyone's good name. I wonder who really comes out on top in the end?

It seems that we can't get enough of material wealth. Watch that hated televison for a little longer, and you're bombarded with advertisements galore. Do we really need 52" flat screen HD TV's? We're obviously watching a TV at the time to see the commercial. iPod's? Handheld mumbo-jumbos with 500 channels and the ability to e-mail your mom while calling someone else; it comes with a planner and games too. Cell phones with cameras, music, tv. I'm waiting for the one that comes with a stungun on the damn thing.

But at least there's only one thing that manages to keep itself above all this, transends wealth and spending habits. Idiots. I watch CNN everyday for my daily dose of stupidity, and I'm not left wanting. Scott Peterson's guilty. Robert Blake on trial. Basketball players charging fans. Kobe Bryant and that hotel wench. Viagra commericals going off the air because it doesn't list side effects. Governments absolving themselves. Haiti going into civil war. Sudan and the genocide war that the media tries to keep quiet. Terrorist bombings. The laundry list goes on and on.

The military hasn't really changed my outlook on life, just given me better pronouns in which to label things. Idiots galore, and we're slowly flushing the toilet we're in. Watch us spin round and round.

"World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones..." -Albert Einstein


Posted on 12/04/2004
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