
Celebrity Skinn(ed)

by Jersey D Gibson

Your daddy's a pig, your mom's a whore,
but the ghosts of Tinseltown expect no more.
Your life just an ongoing tragedy,
but that's what you get when you're a celebrity.

Tell the world that your mom let you be beat,
and cry it all on daytime Oprah Winfrey.
All your fans give you a reason to fear,
when you chop your breakfast on a mirror.

Pills for pain,
live in vice.
You know one day you'll pay the price.

Pictures for show,
drugs for free.
That's the lifestyle of a celebrity.

Had an interview with Kurt on MTV,
all you people want to be just like me.
Magazine photo opportunities galore,
no second thoughts on being a popularity whore.

Gelatin lips with silicon breasts,
no doctor can fix your life, it's a mess.
Own a French multi-million dollar place,
hides the fact you can't feel your face.

Pills for pan,
live in vice.
Today's the day that you'll pay the price.

Celebrity skin,
another divorce.
This is the lifestyle of no remorse.


Posted on 12/02/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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