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Wedding Calamity

by James Zealy

It began on a trip bound home
Where plans were made
In my mind alone
for 12 and 28 of '75
Announced to my parents surprise
At 3 Am at the end of a 3 hr drive
Surprised was she and as were all the rest
As stunned she went to bed a complete mess
The matriach took me up the stairs, I totally without clue
As to the gravity of hearts set askew
While we were tomorrow to discuss
As under their breath they collectively cussed
How could you do this to me
Said mom and future bride to be

Well, the date was set
Plans were put together
A mess ready to beset
All of us as we gathered
Groomsmen two rolled up
In a beat up Chevy
Pouring out rolling in smoke
Eyes red and Heavy
Swaying with no breeze, as oaks
In a full hurricane breeze

Next comes darling sister dear
4 months pregnant asmile
And my grandmother ill
My mother aching to kill
Rehearsal and dinner
Comes and goes as my parents in pain
Were Charged in excess for champagne
Only to find at a later date
The club manager skipped town
With the difference funding his escape

My mother checks the reception preparations
And is totally aghast
The Inlaws are bickering
So she gives them a withering blast
Next came the wedding day,we feared
As we wait and wait some more
For her blessed father to appear
Meanwhile my bride to be
Took mama's nerve pill
To cope with her anxiety
While god rest his soul
Papa made a car deal
And showed up at last
Late 15 minutes past

At last down the aisle she goes
On her fathers arm in a drugged dazed glow
We say the vows asking his consent
Praying the last calamatiy has been spent
We troop down from alter
Making a dash for safety
As I at the door say "Hot Dam its Over"


Author's Note: Believe it or not this account of our wedding is true, and we have been married for 29 years, go figure.

Posted on 12/01/2004
Copyright © 2024 James Zealy

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Alison McKenzie on 12/01/04 at 09:54 PM

It resembles "Twas the Night Before Christmas" gone very awry.

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