
Romeo Roulette

by Jersey D Gibson

Somethings better left unexplained,
somethings better left unsaid.
Sometimes left out in the cold,
sometimes left out to mold.
Somehow gotten this far in life,
somehow gotten though this strife.

You've taken away all my problems,
and now all that is left is me.

One day I will get my revenge,
one day I will get the syringe.
One time is all that I need,
one time is the time to bleed.
One less problem, you've got more,
one less time, out the door.

You've taken out the problem,
and now all that is left is me.

Final solution is the final key,
Final solution is what I need.
Final countdown to the end,
Final countdown to my friend.
Final say in all things,
final say is what clings.

You've taken away all the problems,
and now all that is left is me.


Posted on 11/25/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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