
In The Shadows

by Jersey D Gibson

Sunken so low,
the changing of another season.
Felt the blow,
the force behind the reason.

I cannot lie,
the fault was completely my own.
Why, oh why,
did I have to go and be disowned?

Thirteen seasons past
and I still remember your name.
So many moons gone by
and no one else but me to blaim.

Left behind,
I've fallen to the dirty ground.
Don't remind,
I can't seem to escape the sound.

Meant to be,
you walked away for the greater good.
I cannot see,
why you had and go and be so rude.

So many years past
and I can't forget your face.
These memories last
and I can't move from this place.

In the shadows,
I've felt your absence so painfully.
So I wallow,
living old dreams so regreatfully.

Feel this pain,
You walked away for something better.
Stay the same,
wish it would be something lasting forever.

So many lifetimes past
and you still invade my dreams.
Those feelings fade fast
can't go back for a second, it seams.


Posted on 11/25/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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