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Personal Angel

by James Zealy

A sense of hope fills the air
A sense of dread and a stagnant stare
Life such a delicate balance
Monitored by the ethereal countenance

Each body a fragile house
Proud that the structure stands tall
While the walls fall prey
To an insidious predator

Its presence drives home
The need for Gods help to atone
To win the fight
As the angelic presence helps purge this blight

Doctors, medication, may stem the tide
Hope will and prayer helps fate resign
As prayerful pleas requests God’s blessing
There is much yet to live, spirit coalescing

Something is there that compels
An inner voice not of our own
Guides actions and faith swell
That says persist be strong

Perhaps the depths of despair
Have attracted a spiritual winged courier racing
Constantly whispering where no one can hear
Sparking elements which cannot be traced

Healing balm not understood
Yet here stands tall the shell entity
Defying the odds misunderstood
Who to thank, but the trinity

The unknown presence inspires hope
Realizing, we are not alone
All along there has been a spirit
An angel parlaying a chance

To feel the burning ray of life
Yet a while longer
Each day left to ponder
All the soliloquy’s so trite
My personal live giver
An angel will I see?


Author's Note: My sister is a cancer survivor, and a recovered alcoholic. If the truth be known, the fear of dieing from cancer helped her to stop drinking. There are sometimes no real explanations for why people survive and why they don't. Sometimes faith is all there is.

Posted on 11/24/2004
Copyright © 2024 James Zealy

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Alison McKenzie on 11/28/04 at 06:01 AM

Our earthly eyes can't always "see" what is right in front of us, but the existence is sure.

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