to forget my past, like erasing my future. by Lauren Pearlyour picture reminds me
of a silhouette, of
a shaky shadow in the
distance, a ghost of
my past, a rememberance
of the future.
you were my aching sustanence
once, but we grew up too
soon- you wanted a beard,
and i, a diamond crown.
i wonder, as i lay alone
in a tangle of bedsheets,
if you have achieved any
of your midnight-star
wishes, or
if you ever think of me.
i used to think we'd steal
the world, you and i,
and that if we disappeared,
it would always be
for the better.
but here we are:
nonexistants in a world
where it hurts most to
take solid form;
so i have drawn us
with a dotted-in contour,
shading in our faces; de-
preciating us until all we are
is names & fading photographs,
and all that's left between us are
some years we'd more than like
to forget. 11/20/2004 Author's Note: first thing i've written in about a month. i am dry and withered ; and i am squeezing out everything, if there is anything left at all.
Posted on 11/21/2004 Copyright © 2025 Lauren Pearl
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Michelle Angelini on 11/21/04 at 05:59 AM Sounds like the garden got watered and is flourishing. I like the images and emotion you mix here. Suggestion for a title: "forget my past; erasing my future." Use my suggestions or not - It won't hurt me. They're only ideas. ;-) |
Posted by Kara Hayostek on 11/21/04 at 06:15 AM I liked this one a lot, the title was intriguing the poem is good and you really deserve the diamond crown, and not cz either! |