
Run Like Hell

by Jersey D Gibson

Caught in the grips,
a feeling burning inside.
Something terrible,
want to run and hide.
A devious smile,
it's all I know.
Caught in it's grasp,
and it won't let go.
Something tells me,
here goes evil, beware.
But I find myself,
not giving a care.

Run... like... hell...

Like a sifting madness,
in the firelight.
Standing in darkness,
I'm in plain sight.
Nowhere to go,
I still try to flee.
Like a holy angel,
in a murder spree.
No place to hide,
nowhere to go.
crawling on my belly,
it's not so low.

Run.. like... hell...

Been running so long,
I'm almost caught.
Can't imagine the pain,
and all it's brought.
Won't give up,
try to be free.
It keeps laughing,
as it chases me.
Try to escape,
but madness is fast.
Fearing this moment,
is now my last.

Run... like... hell...


Posted on 11/18/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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