
Blue Monday (A Tragedy) #2

by Jersey D Gibson

CHAPTER 1: In Between Jobs

Setting: In a bar, there is a man (Jeff) sitting on a chair, with a glass of scotch in hand, sipping it. His leather jacket and blue jeans match his humble childhood, despite his more recent successes. He is soon joined by a woman (Sara) in a conservative dress in red, her red hair done in a bun.

Jeff O'Conner: Good evening, Sara. Want something to drink?

Sara Frazier: (Shaking her head no.) Jeff, what have I told you? I don't drink, I'm in a family way.

Jeff: (Chuckling) Yeah, I forgot. You know I'd lose my head if it weren't attached. (Taking another drink of scotch.) So what's the news from Tinsiltown?

Sara: You've been a good boy this year. Those commerical deals have gotten your name and face about. Paramount has thrown a script to you.

Jeff: A script? Acting? You know I'm just a poster boy. Wearing Calvin Klein underwear doesn't mean I'm good on the screen.

Sara: You know you'll do well. You've done production before...

Jeff: (shaking his head, laughing at himself) Yeah. Sneakers, I had three lines. How hard is it to sell shoes that Michael Jordon wears?

Setting: A bartender comes up, and replaces the empty scotch glass Jeff was drinking with one with more alcohol in it. Jeff thanks the bartender.

Jeff: So... what do I have to whore myself on now?

Sara: You shouldn't be so cynical. It doesn't suit you. (Sara pulls out a manuscript out of a daybag. She hands it to Jeff.) This came with a nice price. I think you'll like it.

Jeff: What? The price or the script? Or both?

Sara: Both.

Setting: Jeff takes the script, and opens it. While he starts reading it, he pulls out a rosary from a jacket pocket, and fiddles with the beads as he reads. Sara pulls out a Marlboro 100's and lights it as Jeff looks through the script, flipping pages, going towards the end.

Jeff: Oh boy, a cop story. Like this hasn't been done at least a hundred times before. Chases bad guy. Loses badge. Goes out in revenge and kills lots of people and gets the girl in the end. Did they find this and dust it off, our just ask TNT for it? (He looks over to Sara.) I thought you were in the family way?

Sara: Yeah, well, I'm trying to quit. Being an agent is a stressful job.

Jeff: That's why your paid so well. (Jeff leafs through a couple of pages again.) Blue Monday? What type of title is that?

Sara: Cops are boys in blue. And Monday is always the worse day of the week. Besides, unlike you, I actually read it. I think you'll enjoy doing this.

Jeff: Is that your official position as my agent? (Playing Sara on.)

Sara: In less words; yes.

Jeff: (He looks at the actor sheet in the back. looking at the names of the people in it. He sees his own next to the character's name. Jeff pockets the rosary in his jacket.) Daniel Jordan, huh? (Jeff polishes off the scotch.)



Author's Note: Jeff O'Conner - A posterboy, someone who does spot advertisements. He is getting his first acting role in a production called 'Blue Monday'. Sara Frazier - Jeff's agent. She is pregnant. She enticese Jeff into taking the job of 'Blue Monday'. Daniel Jordan - The character that is Jeff's role.

Posted on 11/11/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Rachelle Howe on 02/22/07 at 05:33 PM

Have you written any more chapters? I think it's a good beginning. Crit-- though I caught that "in a family way" meant that she was pregnant, you could make it more clear. Like, "Hey, thought you were knocked up--oh, excuse me, 'In a family way'" like, with him jabbing at her, which seems close to his personality. Maybe. Just a thought.

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