Within Sleep by Lacey SmithPerhaps if I could
slip my name under your eyelids
while you are sleeping
then maybe later when you
speak you would notice
that I am listening and often time
I stand a little straighter
And if I could burn my words
into your palm then
when it is the morning time
you would wake with them written
on your cheek: a thousand hellos
that lack goodbyes
By and by, if I placed
my voice on the tip
of your tongue
then maybe when you moaned
it would not be such a
lonely tone (you'd just be
licking your lips)
And if accidentally when you
walk, perchance in your pockets
you find my scent then when you
are deep in contemplation
within it your hands might
rest. 10/28/2004 Author's Note: Written to...yeah. Still a work in progress.
Posted on 10/29/2004 Copyright © 2025 Lacey Smith