
how to become a water goddess

by Emily G Myers

The crowd cheered as they surrounded the tall bonfire. The small Scandinavian town of Norsemen had just lost their sacred leader and was taking their traditional steps. Townspeople dashed around the ocean shores, singing and playing instruments.
On the docked ship nearby, a young woman named Atla lay still, quite terrified. Next to her was the body of the leader, Odin. Atla had been chosen as the virgin to accompany Odin. Her long blonde hair lay scattered about her head. Her white dress, symbolizing virginity, fluttered in the chill, Artic winds. Every few moments a tear would descend her cheek. She was only sixteen and was leaving behind her family and friends to die an icy death. Atla knew it was a high honor to join Odin, but she could not help feeling despondent.
Little did she know, later in time Odin would be known as the father of the gods. Atla was prepared for her passage to the sea god, Aegir. Aegir was Atla's father who sailed further than any man. Ran was Atla's mother who now ruled over the realm of the dead at the bottom of the ocean. Knowing she would be reunited with her parents gave her hope and even a bit of joy.

'Atla,' a voice whispered. 'Atla, look here!'
Though she feared punishment if anyone noticed, she turned her head to the side. Her eyes widened in bewilderment, for beside her was Hermod. Alta and Hermod grew up together and were best friends. Atla was most sad about leaving him.
'Atla, I'm going to ride along with you to make sure nothing happens. Odin's body must be kept sacred. The future holds much for his legacy. Also, I want to help you.'
Atla smiled and cried another tear, but this one was joyous. Hermod climbed over the edge of the ship and rested comfortably in a fisher's net. The crowd grew quiet. She knew it was about time to make her long, cold journey. Thor, Odin's son, made a remorseful speech and the townspeople pushed the ship away from the shore into the ocean.
After a day had passed, the ship was far from the sight of the town. Hermod quietly crept to the deck of the ship to awaken Atla. She was sleeping quietly, her hair sparkled with ice crystals and her lips were turning blue. He admired her beauty for a moment then tugged on her shoulder to wake her.
'Are we finally away from the town?' Atla asked, her voice shaky and raspy from the cold.
'Yes, but the ship has sprung a small leak. We need to leave, now.' Hermod answered.

They rose as quickly as possible. A powerful crash almost knocked them over. Hermod and Atla ran to the front of the ship. They had run into the Aland Islands. Hermod tied a rope to the prow and slid down to first to make sure all was safe. After a few minutes of exploring, he pronounced the area competent.
'Atla,' he shouted up. 'You can slide down now, I’m sure all is well!'
'Hermod,' came a male voice. 'Why don’t you come up here.' Hermod had heard that voice before. It was Odin’s! He was not dead? Hermod quickly climbed up the rope to see Odin holding Atla by the waist with a two-edged sword near her throat. 'You tried to leave me. You were supposed to join me to see your mother.' The ship was now almost half under water; the icy pool came to their knees.
Hermod charged forward and knocked Odin down. Atla was free and ran to the prow to be out of harm’s way. Hermod and Odin fought fiercely, both struggling to control the sword. Eventually Hermod wrestled it away from Odin. Odin dashed across the ship and grabbed Atla to use as a shield. She screamed and kicked at him but could not wiggle free. Odin, appearing to surrender, moved Atla to his side. Hermod took advantage of the moment and began to lunge the sword forward. In the last moment before the sword reached Odin’s chest, he moved Atla in front of him. The sword pierced both of them and they fell down dead.
'No!' Hermod yelled, sobbing as Atla fell to the floor of the ship. He wept for almost an hour before throwing Odin overboard. He took one last look at Atla and kissed her gently. Then he set her into the glacial waters.
From trees on the island, Hermod made a small raft and sailed back to the island. He told the tragic tail to all who would listen. From then on, Odin was known as the father of the gods, Hermod was known as the messenger god, and Atla was known as the water goddess.


Author's Note: an awkwardly written psychic look into the future of reading Sandman comics? the emphasis in that question should be on "awkwardly written." ahem.

Posted on 10/26/2004
Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers

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