a vacation in fall by Emily G MyersOne day, in the midst of our singularity, we decided to take a walk.
Your enthralling childishness led us to climbing a tree.
Being autumn, the leaves were bright orange and the wind was chill.
You pulled me up anytime I needed a little help,
Even if I refused because of my pride in being a woman.
We reached a sturdy branch and stopped, now high above the earth.
We looked out beyond the veil of branches and saw many things.
The rows of brilliantly colored trees thrust me into a sense of awe.
But together we saw more than just the obvious.
Using unified vision, we saw worlds of our own creation that had never been explored.
Worlds that our imaginations had conjured;
Not separately, but in unison.
And those worlds kept revolving as did the real one. But we had stopped. Perhaps we had stepped into the fourth dimension.
Then we returned to this reality, and we'll never be the same.
won't. 11/02/1999 Posted on 10/26/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers