sandcastle by Emily G MyersWhen I was at the beach,
I bought a small replica of a sandcastle.
It is about two inches high,
And dusted with light green glitter.
It looks like something a child or tourist might buy,
But I loved it because of the delicate design.
I could see myself inside the tiny windows,
Looking down on a prince calling to me to
Or climbing carefully up the side to get me
And take me away on his white horse.
He's rescuing me from some witch or sorceror.
Great faerie tales run through my mind
When I look at my little, green sandcastle.
But, this life is not a faerie tale.
Princes don't come complete with white horses.
Witches and sorcerors don't capture princesses.
Maybe that is why I love my sandcastle so much. 11/08/1999 Posted on 10/26/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers