alley by Emily G MyersI always knew I shouldn't wander without aim
Through the streets and paths of this life, this game
But I do sometimes, when I have nothing else to do
And wandering one day I came upon the Alley of You
It wasn't dark and menacing like allies can be
I thought it was out there for all to see
So cautiously I took the first stride
But I felt I had nothing to hide
Since I knew the alley I was walking down was you
And I knew that you were nothing but true
So I walked a little further to see the end
But something was holding me back - a bend
A bend that I just could not get around
I looked about me and all that I found
Was graffiti on the alley walls that read
'Girl, you're getting too far ahead'
Sadly I turned back the way I had come
My feet slowly pounding asphalt like the beating of a drum
I didn't leave your alley however
It just seemed to become forever
Walking down your alley 11/26/1999 Posted on 10/26/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers