sand beneath my mary janes by Emily G MyersI guess I thought it was over
water under the bridge
lost with my faith in love
sand beneath my Mary Janes
but can you bring it back?
remind me what it felt like to think of you
give me back something you took
that I never thought I'd lose; my hope
just to be near you and hear your voice
feels beautiful when you laugh with me
maybe you think of me differently now
I've grown a bit
I hope your mind goes to me when you remember these days
think of me how I am at this moment
not when we first met
I know a little more now
so you'll be out of sight soon
but not out of my mind
I'm not reverting to my old ways
but remember that I could never forget you 12/10/1999 Author's Note: for Micah.
Posted on 10/26/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers