the mountains by Emily G MyersYeah, I can remember those days
Posing for a picture
In front of a 'Hollywood Un Inc.' sign
Shopping for turtle candles
As a graduation present
Wearing a borrowed Victoria Secret sweat-shirt
That was still fuzzy
Falling off an old horse
In front of a blonde-haired boy
Blasting 'Respect'
As we drive away from him
'Happy Birthday F.A. Criminal'
And 'Stupid Girl'
Debating over which movie to rent
Even though we don't have a VCR
Staying up to watch a scary movie
'Can I sleep in here with you?'
'Light as a feather, stiff as a board'
But we just can't be serious
Dollar store shopping
Only for beloved candles
Blaming one sleeping person
For the actions of someone awake
But this time, out of the jacuzzi
Chocolate-chip pancakes
With or without whipped cream
Admissions of far too many
Strange feelings for one person
'Get your guns out'
We won't let anyone else have that tradition
Guys with snakes
That just look too cool
Yelling for 'My Pedro!'
In the car beside us
A Skeet Ulrich-look alike
That saw you point
We'll never forget our memories
And here's to many more
*A little late in coming, but
Happy Birthday Shereen!
Next year, we're going back to the mountains!
12/28/1999 Posted on 10/26/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers