me by Emily G Myerswhen I was standing there
I was wearing the tough 'outside' me
but afterwards, you didn't see
the emotional 'inside' me-
the me that laid down on the bathroom floor
and cried a little for you
even though there's not much to cry over anymore
because I know your intentions
and I know my own
I'm not a fan of the 'inside' me
who takes things much too seriously
the 'typically girl' me
the 'tear faucet' me
or even the
'masochist' me
though you know I'm all of those me's
I try not to flaunt them
people mostly see the 'outside' me
and I'm
the 'tough guy' me
the 'emotion frozen' me
or even the
'anti-typical-girl' me
but when I'm with you
I'm every me
I could be
even if I laid down on the bathroom floor
and cried a little for you
01/03/2000 Posted on 10/26/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers