the blender poem by Emily G MyersMy heart is continually being moved from blender to blender
One labeled 'Beautiful Boy; 5 Years Older'
It was there and happy for about a year
Then it moved to another blender
One labeled 'Curly Hair; Has Prideful Streak'
That one didn't last as long
Given the circumstances
Then on to another
Labeled 'Little Blonde One; Immature'
Perfect for me because I needed someone
To make me feel better about my maturity
Silly me
Then it was picked up by a friend
And put into a blender labeled
'Your Friend; But Far Too Fickle'
Boy do they ever get those labels right!
After that, my heart was sort of incognito for a while
But I got tired of that
So I took the quick and easy route
And tossed it to another friend's blender
The closest one to me, it said
'Amazing Person, But Too Soon or Maybe Not At All'
But I ignored the label
That one was a flash in the pan too
Now my heart's suspended in air
Hanging above a blender labeled
'Obscure Movie Star; For Little Girls Only'
Maybe I'll hold off on the growing up thing
For a chance to take a spin in a Keanu Reeves blender
01/09/2000 Posted on 10/26/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers