hiking by Emily G Myersall these things are leaving me
that ability to see through you
the idea that friends could be more
because I knew you deep deep inside
and you knew me
we were 'we'
I thought we'd always be
thought we'd be something
but you hiked away
on through the mountains and valleys
taking all your journeys
and leaving me to wonder if I ever really knew you
leaving me to guess your intentions
was it your plan to come and go as you did?
were you teaching me a lesson?
I suppose you haven't thought so intently as I have on this
you probably don't have time -
what with your new life and all
so I'll keep my questions inside
deep deep inside
that place I once thought you knew
you didn't 01/25/2001 Posted on 10/26/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers