i miss you by Emily G Myers I miss you; though, apparently I shouldn't. I do anyway. Just the lack of your smile and quiet voice is enough to make me wonder. What are you doing now? How are things going? Whose face are you seeing in mashed potatoes now? I remember when it used to be me. I miss you for many reasons. There was no logic behind your leaving, but you went along with it. You left things unresolved. So many conversations that should have taken place haven't because you're gone.
And I miss you; though I'm told I shouldn't. I do miss you. You were kind and sweet and there aren't enough people like that anymore. So the next time you eat mashed potatoes, look for me. I'll be there, of course. I always have been. And every time I think of you, I'll miss you more and more. Just know that your leaving has not gone unnoticed. As I've said, I miss you. 10/24/2001 Posted on 10/25/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers