
buying a coffee

by Emily G Myers

I'll be eighteen years old by June of next year. I'll be on my way to college - one I'm not thrilled to be going to, but must go to - and I'll be on my own. I was thinking all these fun things and I recalled an incident that occurred this weekend. I was in a bookstore/coffeeshop with my mother and she wanted a caramel coffee of sorts and I was in the mood for something of the mocha variety. We discussed these feelings and she said "Here you go," and handed me some money.
"What's this for?" I asked.
"Coffee. I'll be in the romance section."
"I-uh-I can't," I stammered.
"You can't buy a coffee?" my mother asked.
"Well, no. I don't want to," I said quietly.
"What?! Just go do it," my mother said, realizing that my selective shyness had just kicked in.
"No, no... I'm not really thirsty."
"Well I am, Emily. Go," she was becoming angry at this point. She stormed away leaving me a few feet from the coffee counter. I had money and I knew what to order. But I couldn't. I forced my feet to move, step by step, closer to the counter. A boy was working. My heart sank. The only thing that could have saved my embarrassment was if a girl were working. He wasn't even that intimidating... he was just male and about my age. That's all it takes. With tears in my eyes I approached the counter.
"What do you need?" he asked politely.
"A medium-sized caramel latte and mocha freeze, please," I managed to whisper. He got the drinks and I paid him and he gave me change and I tipped him and then I was done.
It was a fairly traumatizing moment, but it wouldn't be for most people. And I have to go off to college by myself sooner than I'd like to think. I can't buy a coffee without crying... how am I ever going to get through college? How? Are all people as sheltered as I am? I'd say definitely not.
End conclusion: don't buy coffee when in college.


Posted on 10/25/2004
Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers

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