A Wordless World Within a World by Rula Shin
Not long ago I dwelt in a shallow dream
Riddled with endless blind hopes
Cradled in my motherÂ’s arms I lay asleep so deep
Bleeding her merciless prophecy devoid of peace
Despite the seeming beauty no sound ever penetrated
Nor did any vision permeate a breath of life
Into my unborn being
It is from this lasting darkness that I arose
To a presence, a velvety voice kissing my senses
A glow from a distance landing softly on my lips
Communicating through the thick fog
A resounding plea - ‘Open your eyes’ and SEE
Like a newborn I woke up to find
His light shining too bright for my infant eyes
As my vision adjusted I came into my being
Here I saw a tree, broad and tall and wide,
Stretching its arms for miles boundlessly
Roots down beneath the ground penetrating the deepest strata
Yes, this was the tree of LIFE, contracting and retracting in infinite
Shades of green dancing brilliantly, rejoicing my arrival
And the sun above never before shining with such luster
Spoke a language of orange, yellow, and red cascades
Singing down to me, showering me with a new day
Bathing me in the colors of a fresh dawn
Slowly as I lifted my head my being grew lighter
Despite the chains which remained from where I first came
I was high on the winds that embraced my eager and swelling heart
Beyond the tree of life, over and beyond all horizons
I could not believe what I saw!
My voice that had permeated that dark void of mine
His warm soul looking deep into mine
Wordless and with a look of calm surprise
From a distance I felt his touch
The soft kiss which drank and fed the elixir of life
Binding us for ever
As we watched the arrival of the bird of paradise
Who came to perch within our beings
We looked high above and far down below together as ONE
And we both saw at that very moment,
That ‘I’ was reborn to ‘WE’
A wordless synonym for LIFE and LOVE
We were finally home residing within each other
Invisibly and infinitely mergedÂ…as ONE
Author's Note: Not many days ago, I found this drawing sitting in my email box with a typical ashokian note – ‘can you suggest a title for this visual poem? Do you identify and can connect your private world within your world with this visual?’…’yes, I will and I do’- I responded back, adding –‘Will you too depict this visual in words?’ Ashok agreed but, as ruthless he is, he stipulated a condition, the very cause of this poem on his drawing – ‘lets see how we identify and express our selves, in words, reacting to the same SCENE. Two worlds being depicted in different words but producing the same SCENE.’ These were his words. I accepted.
Here is a link to Ashok’s world – This is OUR World
Posted on 10/21/2004 Copyright © 2025 Rula Shin
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Ashok Sharda on 10/22/04 at 03:11 AM I have no doubts (as a matter of fact I have had never one) that your depiction of this scene is more poetic, more complete than mine and I am happy that IaskedyouyouaskedmeIaskedyou to start this new trend. I have decided not to use many words in commenting on this – wordless world of yours, which I know must mean so much to you. Not just words, expressed by intellect expressing emotions, BUT a whole world, full of life and love, with in our day to day world within this common world we all share, expressing OUR very BEING- ever evolving, in the energy fields created by the refined energies vibrating between the two opposite poles, creating this wordless WORLD. This is just beautiful, beyond words. I wish you beauty. |
Posted by Max Bouillet on 10/23/04 at 01:11 AM One vision. Two presented perceptions. An infinite amount of readers taking it to heart and making it real. Birth, physical and spiritual, is a painful experience ending in light.... great read. |
Posted by Sarah Graves on 10/23/04 at 11:52 PM There is such a unity presented in this drawing, in my perception. I think you convey that well in your words. Each and every one of us is binded to each other, a tight yet loose stronghold. We SEE and FEEL one another.. I really enjoyed looking a this drawing for awhile, and reading your response to it. |
Posted by Michele Schottelkorb on 01/28/05 at 01:38 PM this is of the WE... i SEE that you BE writing some incredible poetry... spawned by a picture or not, this is a magnificent portrayal of love... and i love this poem... blessings... |
Posted by Joan Serratelli on 03/16/09 at 07:59 PM I've seen and read this before, but failed to comment on it. The words compliment the picture; and the picture compliments the words. A stunningly beautiful write! |