
Tonight, Tonight (I Die)

by Jersey D Gibson

The sun sets lower as the day ends,
my plans come to fruitation.
The motion is set, the stage is lit,
and now the final act is in hand.

White walls and comfy padding,
don't hide the bars to my cage.
Just one more step, just one more thought,
will free me in ways they can't contain.

For tonight, tonight,
is the day I will die.
Tonight, tonight,
will be my freedom.

Sirens coming like the wail of banshees,
they lead me on the path I've foretold.
Heavy forests hides my footsteps,
taking one step closer to the light.

Sanctuary, oh blessed sanctuary,
don't go and hide from me now.
I've worked so hard, don't I deserve it?
don't let me go back to that prison.

For tonight, tonight,
is the day I'm released.
Tonight, tonight
will be my battlecall.

I've ran so hard, I've ran so long,
wasn't too long until they noticed I was gone.
No more tiedowns, no more seditives,
this time my mind will be clear.

Here they come, the city lights,
like the Pearly Gate have opened for me.
I go to them with open arms,
and run full speed to the speeding Mack truck.

For tonight, tonight,
is the day I find God.
Tonight, tonight,
I find out who's wrong or right.


Posted on 10/05/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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