
Handguns Don't Give Out Second Chances

by Jersey D Gibson

The sharp crack;
the smell of cordilite...
another screaming wail.

Something about this life,
just drives us to homicide...
can a thing be so frail?

I hold your hand as your pulse grows weaker,
knuckles white as I try to hold you together.
See the tears streaming down my face?
another coil cut down so crudely.

Were you justified, were you so angry,
or do you feel the sharp pains of regret?
Do your dreams leave you screaming at night,
or can you sleep soundly?

The blood spills out like a pool;
life spreading out on the ground below...
so long to bring, so quick to end.

Never thought of the lives you end,
or of all the other lives you ruin...
how can so much calamity follow such an event?

Watch lively eyes turn to a lifeless gleam,
love so fragile it just makes me want to scream.
Precious memories ended in such tragity,
nothing in this life seemed so good.

Another soul torn to what lies beyond,
another question to lie upon wise men.
One life sent up to heaven,
the other sent straight to hell.

Victims, aren't we all?
some the manufacture of our own demise...
who do we have to blaim?

Find religion, your only chance,
to make some peace with yourself...
for what truely will happen to you.


Posted on 09/27/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Amanda L Marron on 09/29/04 at 12:28 PM

wonderful imagery in this Jersey. another stellar piece of poetry from a master of the words.

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