Litany by Teri T LahmonThis is my litany, my soft lilting
Prayer to myself,
It expresses my heartit sings my soul;
Listen to it, telling you who I am
Painting for you in notes and movements
The midnight landscapes inside my lungs.
Place your ear against my heart
And feel it beat out hot liquid
D notes. Making love to the
ear drums of you and I.
Feel itfeel it filling you with this
this my litany, my soft lilting
prayer to myself.
And right now, right now it is crooning,
Crooning in a husky voice,
a voice thick with my arousal
This my litany, my prayer to myself
It is a supplicant, begging me to bless it
With you
With you
To abandon, to leave, to let go
The misgivings of my supposed morality
To be rid of, let go of, cast out
That foreign entity;
To give into, give over to, succumb to
What is really me
This my litany, my soft lilting prayer to myself.
It is crooning, supplicating, seducing
Me to seduce you
To give my body what it wants;
It prays to my mind, Let go the
Look to that part of thyself which is thyself
And to give in to, give over to, succumb to
My Litany.
09/23/2004 Posted on 09/23/2004 Copyright © 2025 Teri T Lahmon