Greece by Teri T LahmonRight now I am
Sitting on the patio
Looking out at the blue green Mediterranean.
This gorgeous Greek male,
Whom I have christened Achilles,
Just handed me a very fruity
Very delectable
Hellenic Concoction.
I watched him go back into the villa
As much as I like to see him coming
I LOVE to watch him walk away.
Somewhere inside
His mother,
A wrinkled old saint of a woman
Is cooking my dinner
Something filled with sesames no doubt
All the while going over
In her head
Her plan to turn me into
A Proper Greek Orthodox Woman
And get me married to her son.
Every once in a while,
I make an attempt to speak to her in Greek
But all it earns me is one of those condescending smiles
(the type only a mother can make)
While she pats me on the head
And calls me something
Loosely translated as
My Little Sweet American Girl.
09/23/2004 Posted on 09/23/2004 Copyright © 2025 Teri T Lahmon