Mashiara by Teri T LahmonOnce, long ago, there was a girl,
and Mashiara was her name.
Her skin, like the deep dark brown of
Rain kissed earth, smelled of cocoa beans.
One night as she was walking,
she happened upon The Sun as
he lay sleeping, his radiance
slightly muted by his slumber.
Eyes full of love, she looked up.
Friend Luna, she cried, who is
this one whose golden perfection
drank my soul and consumed my heart?!
Dear child, cried Luna, I beg thee
look no more upon this being.
Forget thy love for him. It spells
Pain and death for such as thee.
But why, friend Luna? Who is this
heaven sent? Divine compared to
other men? How can someone so
perfect bring pain and death to me?
Trust in me who watched thee grow,
provided silver light for thine
slumber. This is no man he is
The Sun, his love will burn your soul.
The Sun is beautiful. In the
past his radiance seared my eyes.
But surely I can steal one kiss.
Mashiara kissed The Sun.
No! cried Luna, but too late!
The Suns eyes fluttered open,
his vision full of her rapture
as she burned away to nothing.
09/23/2004 Author's Note: Mashiara is a word in an invented language called the OLD TONGUE in Robert Jordan�s Wheel of Time fantasy series. It means something that is loved above all things but completely unattainable
Posted on 09/23/2004 Copyright © 2025 Teri T Lahmon