
Things I need for Fall

by Mary Ellen Smith

One must have a yard of leaves

Dried and colored from the trees.

Rake them up into a pile

Jump into them for awhile.

One must have a wooly cap

Something in case your lips should chap.

Earmuffs for the colder nights

In case the wind kicks up and bites.

One must plant a pumpkin patch.

All different shapes so they don’t match.

Carve them up for baking pies

And Jack o Lantern grins and eyes.

One must steep a cup of tea,

With honey from a summer bee.

Soup for lunch with lots of steam.

Hot chocolate with some whipping cream.

One must take an Autumn walk.

Thru the woods or round the block.

Sit awhile beside a brook.

Read a favorite kind of book.

One must wear some warmer socks

To celebrate the equinox!

Welcome Autumn into your heart

The place where all good fall things start!


Posted on 09/22/2004
Copyright © 2024 Mary Ellen Smith

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 09/23/04 at 01:42 AM

Wonderfully whimsical and full of Fall!

Posted by Traci Mabats on 09/24/04 at 01:07 AM

I like the fall season as well. Hoorah for hot chocolate!

Posted by Shonda Creemer on 10/06/04 at 12:41 AM

Fall is my favorite season of all! You captured it wonderfully.

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