Floating In Limbo (Step One) by Deanna M GritsonisUnable to say my mind
Trying to let go of those green eyes
It was better in our own world
when the door was closed
you were this drug that floated me away
But after both our eyes filled with to many tears
The closed compounds couldnt mask the damage
My heart pined
My eyes looked
But my mind knew
I couldnt float anymore
Reality then meant something more
I couldnt end in limbo
So you waited
I this time put the scar on my heart
Opened the door
Walking away from the beauty
Hurt that it ends with no words
To never float again
When the limbo we cause was fun
The eyes that melted
But there is more for me
To get lost in the limbo of you
09/21/2004 Author's Note: Revised...
Posted on 09/22/2004 Copyright © 2025 Deanna M Gritsonis
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Kenneth Lau on 09/22/04 at 09:31 PM I kinda feel the not-doneness, but I like what you have. In my mind clarity and being in a limbo seem a bit opposite, but its kinda cool to have it like that. Makes ya think about it a bit. Or maybe I'm just misinterpreting :P Definitely you should finish though, cuz it'll be awesome