Family Dreams by James ZealyFoster Family
Adopted Dreams
Restless blaze smoldering
Wistful Agonizing
Seize the chance
Play the together dance
Hunt down goals
Play the role
All the while desiring
To live the example, not straying
To have the bliss
Seen from the first kiss
Defines the scene
Shown, but not seen,
So that the wish is complete
And a life is made whole 09/20/2004
Author's Note: On Saturday night, my wife and I went out to eat. Our waitress was a young first year college student. During the course of the evening, she revealed she had been adopted at 14 and had been in foster care most of her life. We are realtively close to the owners, and they told us the rest of the story. Her new family rescued this child, who was born into an abusive situation. You could see this haunted look in her young face, that seemed to say, I wish I could have what her new family had. Her adopted parents have been married for 26 years. Sometimes I guess we take too much for granted.
Posted on 09/20/2004 Copyright © 2024 James Zealy