
Could I Care Less?

by Jersey D Gibson

World famine,
disapearing o-zone layer...
I could care less.

Wars all around,
third world nuclear arms programs...
I could care less.

All I want is on the fromt of a magazine;
all I want is advertized on my TV screen;
all I want is medication to sooth me.

Dirty drinking water,
biological waste in rotting cans...
I could care less.

Bombs dropped from up high,
political tensions tear countries apart...
I could care less.

All I want is on the poster of a blockbuster;
all I want is to wear Gucci underwear;
all I want is Revelon lipstick and eyeliner.

When I'm living on the streets,
starving on the streets next to beggers...
could I care less?

When the rescue shelter closes,
all you voted for were lower taxes...
could you care less?

All you want is for me to go away;
all you want is for your children to be safe;
all you want is for the illusion to stay.


Posted on 09/20/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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