
All That I Have To Give

by Jersey D Gibson

Never in this life had I something to live for;
now something beckons me to seek out so much more.
I've walked away, and I've paid, but still I go strong;
wishing to live the times when I can do no wrong.

See my hands?
They're all that I have to give;
please accept me for who I am.

See my heart?
It's all that I have to give,
please accept me for who I am.

Lonely times, and distant cries are all that I know;
with such a painful time, can things be this low?
Memories that I hold dear to keep me straight and true;
but sometimes, damni t, I just don't what to do.

See my eyes?
They're all that I have to give;
please accept me for who I am.

See my soul?
It's all that I have to give;
please accept me for who I am.

Distant future coming close, it's all I have to look for;
getting closer, oh so far away, wishing it wasn't more.
Can you take my had, dear, and always stay with me;
take a look in my eyes and tell this was ment to be.

See my life?
It's all that I have to give,
please accept me for who I am.

See my love?
It's all that I have to give.
please accept me for who I am.


Author's Note: To my love. Nominated Poem Of The Month! JUN2005

Posted on 09/15/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Amanda L Marron on 09/16/04 at 05:51 PM

Awww Jersey, Anna's so lucky!!!

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