Letter From an Admirer by Teri T LahmonOverlooking the ocean
It is easy to see - to conceive of how some
Are made small in comparison
How gazing into the vastness of seeming eternity
They would be made minute
Think themselves inconsequential
My spirit leaks into the water
Expanding to the horizon
And I am uplifted by the kinship between Gaia & I
Hear my voice in the sea birds cry
Smell my blood in the rippling water
Feel the rhythm of my heart pulsating through
The sand spread beneath my feet
Mingling my pleasure with the sea breeze
My sighs are whisked away
Over the mountains across the land
To find home in your sleeping ear
Coaxing sweet dreams of me from your subsconscious
Pressing the moan of my name from your lungs
As you roll over
Searching for me
In the place we both know I should be
Even in the quiet of this modern Eden
The teasing glint of the sun on the water
Does not steal my thoughts from their focus on you
Only - it reminds me of the distance between our bodies
That were you here I would lean closer and say
See how Zephyr loves us?
How he kisses just here
and strokes the place made special by his attention
How he pledges unwavering fidelity
If we would only be naked to his desires. 08/30/2004 Author's Note: It is beautiful here in San Diego, I'm going to have to come back when I'm not working ~grin~
Posted on 08/31/2004 Copyright © 2025 Teri T Lahmon