
House Of Glass

by Jersey D Gibson

Skeletons in the closet,
trash swept under the carpet.
The bodies in the basement,
can't bend all the lies.

Old photographs in the attic,
with other things left forgotten.
What's underneath the bed?
all the things you try to hide.

We can see right through you
in your house of glass.
Nothing seems more clearer
in your house of glass.
Hidden things for the world to see
in your house of glass.
What do you think you can hide from me
in your house of glass?

The candles burn but it's still too dark,
the dusty picture that can't be cleaned.
The poison has finally worked out of my veins,
what more can our future bring?

Another broken item, another broken memory,
shattered by your hand, shattered by your heart.
Losing ground when you fell to the floor,
I stand broken and beaten to the ground.

I can see right through you
in your house of glass.
Nothing is more clearer
in your house of glass.
Hidden things for me to see
in your house of glass.
What do you think you can hide from me
in your house of glass?


Author's Note: About divorce, something I'm glad never to have experience.

Posted on 08/20/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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