
Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment

by Jersey D Gibson

Some say it's my due time,
others say I'm doing fine.
Some say I paid back society,
some say I need to be set free.

I'm feeling sick in the head,
so many just want me dead.
Maybe it's something in the head,
or that's what I've been led.

Gimme gimme shock treatment!
Gimme gimme shock treatment!
Gimme gimme shock treatment!
Gimme gimme shock treatment!

I wrapped my axe into her cold brain,
why is it you think I'm insane?
Demons like to say that I'm their friend,
and they promise to stay until the electric end.

A silver new hat on my fresh-shaved scalp,
they throw the switch until I'm a smoking pulp.
But I'll die on this planet with an insane grin,
because you'll all be in hell with me in the end.

Gimme gimme shock treatment!
Gimme gimee shock treatment!
Gimme gimme shock treatment!
Gimme gimme shock treatment!


Author's Note: The Ramones, what a wonderful twisted band.

Posted on 08/16/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Amanda L Marron on 09/16/04 at 05:55 PM

ooooo yeah the Ramones!!! ironic i read this today though cuz i just found out Johnny Ramone died!!

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