your revelation- eyes by Wendy Gealyou were drawn to her, love, just as you were once drawn to me
when your gray- blue eyes caressed mine
and your hands flowed through my hair in one perfect breeze.
i've been haunted ever after, and i have seen the two black holes in your face
and they do not resemble you any longer. they spiral around her now.
o what a sadness for me to look into her eyes
and feel all of my self-conscious pores rise and suicide!
are her eyes as innocent? did you tell to them the same sweet stories you told to mine?
i imagine her pulse rage-quaking as mine did when your lips stroked and grazed me and i was frozen still
on my perfect heaven cloud.
your words, once pure as lucid- ivory and clear-cut glass now slit my wrists as their real identities birthe themselves from my own crimson sadness- fears 08/15/2004 Posted on 08/15/2004 Copyright © 2025 Wendy Geal