
Hunter/Killer (H-K)

by Jersey D Gibson

Take the medicine again,
it quiets the voices screaming.
All those bodies in the lorries,
can't rise up against me.

Misty fog obscures my targets,
just as well as obscure me.
Do they even hear me coming,
can they feel the razor's edge?

Can't run!Oh God, the monster's loose again!Can't run!
Can't run!Oh God, I'm on the prowl again!Can't run!
Can't run!Oh God, I'm on the hunt again!Can't run!
Can't run!Oh God, who's gonna stop me again?Can't run!

Killer smile, killer looks, killer moves,
and I know it's all about the thrill.
Killer walk, killer talks, killer style,
stuffing the bodies up underneath the hill.

Can't run!Oh God, the monster is here again!Can't run!
Can't run!Oh God, I'm covered in their blood again!Can't run!
Can't run!Oh God, the hunter in me is in control!Can't run!
Can't run!Oh God, the killer in me has my soul!Can't run!

Hunter/Killer, when will you stop?
Hunter/Killer, when will the hammer drop?
Hunter/Killer, do rabid dogs deserve to die?
Hunter?killer, that's your fate; don't ask why.


Author's Note: A Rapist in England won a 7,000,000 lb lottery... while still in prison.

Posted on 08/12/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Traci Mabats on 08/12/04 at 04:24 PM

oh yes, justice is an ironic thing isn't it. Nice work.

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