

by Jersey D Gibson

Forgive me Father,
for I have sinned...

Blessed is he, who walks with him,
upon that rightous path.
I set on my own path long ago,
forgive me not, I'm on my own.

By my own hand,
send me straight to the devil.
In my own eyes,
can you see the fires of hell?

Long ago, I learned this well,
it's everyone for themselves.
The only true path to salvation,
is the where we save ourselves.

By my own heart,
send me straight to the devil.
In my own eyes,
can you see into my future?

Two wooden peices nailed together,
with a man-nailed ornament.
To truely follow in his name,
is not to say you are saved.

By my own words,
send me straight to the devil.
In my own eyes,
look at all that I've done.


Posted on 08/12/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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