
On My Last Cigarette

by Jersey D Gibson

Stressing out all the shit again,
feeling another migraine coming.
Rubbing the bridge of my nose,
like that ever helped before.

Living out all that shit again,
feels like deja vu all over.
Can not seem to cope with it,
don't want to seem like a cop out.

These days just seem longer,
and I'm on my last cigarette;
I need you to hold... my... hand...

These days just seem colder,
and I'm on my last Valium;
I need you to help... me... through...

Drowning out all that shit again,
done drank myself to fall over.
Passed out on the damn couch again,
you know I've been there before.

Trying to ignore the shit again,
temper frayed; I'm mad all over.
Can't find a way to escape it all,
it just keeps busting down my door.

These days just seem tougher,
and I'm on my last cigarette;
I need you to hold... me... tight...

These days just seem farther,
drinking out of my last beer bottle;
Can you please say I... love... you...


Author's Note: Self-nominated Peom Of The Month! 01Jan05

Posted on 08/12/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Amanda Bullington on 08/12/04 at 01:54 PM

And those are the only days it seems no one will hold your hand...

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