The Promise of a Symphony by Karen MichelleA remembrance of the world,
warm, through plated glass -
I drink the illusion of summer
from above in my ivory tower.
Sometimes, I forget that
these dots below me,
hurrying back and forth
are the latest exhale of
humanity - a child
on her way to school,
parents bustling to work,
another homeless man
asleep on a bench.
Outside my window,
at eye level, a man
stands upon a high-rise rooftop.
Below him, his friend dangles
precariously, squeegee in hand,
repelling down the sheer face
of a glistening urban landmark,
reminding me that there is
danger and adventure in
our day to day transactions.
Across the square,
the clock of the post office
ticks over, ever closer
to midday - dwarfed behind her
the time piece of the town hall
beats in gracious unison.
Two lonely flags fly
on the horizon, symbols
of lingering patriotism pressed
flat against the winter sky.
These streets tremble silently
with vivacity and expectation,
matchbox cars darting in
and out of traffic, a multi-colour
lolly jar of morning mayhem.
And I sit in the corner,
by the window -
one eye on the computer,
the other on the world,
awaiting the release
of the cathedral bells
calling me outside to
swim in the intoxication
of another perfect afternoon.
08/09/2004 Posted on 08/09/2004 Copyright © 2025 Karen Michelle