
Reality Check (Bounced)

by Jersey D Gibson

Can you tell me what you've done with your life,
can you impress yourself with your own tales?
If there was a book about you, what is the title,
what would the summary paragraph say about you?

Dreams are the forerunners of our future regrets,
imagining things that we will never get to do.
No mega-vacation or million dollar lottery winner,
it's just like the Matrix; the prison is your life.

We'll never be beautiful, we'll never be famous,
we can't ever be happy with what we have.
Heaven is unattainable, we can't even imagine it,
Hell is too unrealistic; we live it every day.


Posted on 08/07/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Michelle Angelini on 08/07/04 at 07:15 AM

Awwww, Jersey, what a sad poem. It's a good read, though.

Posted by Kim Bennett on 12/16/05 at 05:51 PM

The title is wonderful.

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