my lover is brown by Emily G Myersmy lover's brown skin is beautiful.
his tight curls are beautiful.
his wide nose is beautiful.
his brown eyes are beautiful.
his full lips are beautiful.
my lover loves me.
he loves my light skin.
he loves my green eyes.
he loves my narrow nose.
he loves my straight hair.
black is beautiful.
white is beautiful.
in our differences,
we are the same.
my lover is brown,
and I am white,
but we are one.
Author's Note: it doesn't matter so much to me when white people disapprove, to be totally honest. what bothers me most is when a black woman disapproves because she thinks Eric feels like he's "too good" for his own race. that's nuts. these women (and men, occasionally) think we're a couple that loves all things white and doesn't appreciate the beauty of black people. this poem is a blunt, monotone, frustrated expression of my exact opposite feelings. I love Eric and I think he's out of this world good looking. his "black features" are beautiful. if anything, we're a couple that appreciates the immense beauty to be found in the human race. (this goes along with a journal entry and was inspired by a TV show on VH1 about the history of black music.)
Posted on 08/03/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Melanie A Bennett on 08/08/04 at 01:47 AM This poem is beautiful and it is about time people stop making judgements on others because of race and I know particularly with mixed race couples....people still judge. It is unfortunate. I love this poem though! Thank you for writing it. ~Mel~ |