Posted by Alison McKenzie on 08/10/04 at 04:04 PM It never ceases to amaze me, that someone I've never actually physically met would do that for me. It would amaze me that ANYONE would do that for me, even a family member whom I know face to face and who loves me because I'm family, but especially someone as wonderful and blameless as Jesus, 2000 years before I was even born. I honestly cannot fathom that kind of love. Did Buddah suffer in that way so I would not have to? Ramtha? Crazy Horse? Any of the other entities that are worshiped or revered in these times? Which of these laid down his life so that I would not have to be separated from the Most Holy God for eternity? None but Jesus. (OK, sorry, I'm done ranting now...LOL!!!) This is a beautiful, personal account of His love for each of us! |