
i am

by Lisa-Dawn Sparling

I am so weak and yet so strong,

I am so confident and yet so vulnerable.

I am so crazy and yet so sane.

I am so courageous and yet so scared.

I am so surrounded by love and yet I feel so alone

I want nothing and yet I need everything.

I feel selfish and yet I give all I have

I am so aware and yet so blind.

I am so complicated and yet so simple.

I am so wise and yet so naive.

I am so secure and yet so jealous.

I am so full and yet sometimes I am so empty.

I am everything and nothing that I am expected to be


Posted on 07/28/2004
Copyright © 2025 Lisa-Dawn Sparling

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Rula Shin on 07/28/04 at 02:52 PM

Who is doing the expecting dear Lisa? It should be your intending self and not what others expect from you, nor what your other unwanted selves want from you (ie: weak self, vulnerable self, crazy, scared, alone, blind, complicated, naiive, jealous etc selves)...The title of this piece intruiged me to come look at who "I am"...depite that all these tendencies the subject has seem to be one person made up of numerous different angles/faces, like the different sides of a brilliant diamond, there is reason to consider that one face alone cannot answer for the entire WHOLE being. The diamond is beautiful in it's whole and not in the pieces that make it up. In fact, there are no pieces as such, only a core that can, if one practices in conscious effort, constantly fight to be free of the other meaningless selves. There is, I believe, one subject here that is struggling with this notion of the Intending Self and the many selves that act as barricades to the being acting intentionally as a whole person. I like this piece because it really made me stop and think...who am I indeed? I am ME. I am ONE. I am WHOLE. Great job Lisa :-)

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