Mr. Data Entry Part Two by James ZealyMr. Data Entry came to play,
Tapping my keys as if to say,
"Its time my dear to perform,
Or else its not the Norm,
And I shall have to find,
Another set to trace in kind",
As he caresses with care,
Each stroke in pairs,
I Shudder to think,
What I would have to drink,
If I had to start anew,
to try to dispell the blues,
Mr Data Entry can't you see?,
The mess you have made of me,
Can I believe the tales you weave?,
Is there any dishonesty?,
Its a matter of comfort,
The loss would forfeit,
My sense of security,
And I would need a guarantee,
That the new,
Would not create a brew,
I could not consume,
Or increase the volume,
Mr Data Entry can't you see,
The mess you have made of me,
Can I believe the tales you weave?,
What is this congeniality?,
What if I could not keep pace?,
As the mad desire to create,
The new entries,
Does not overwhelm the entity,
And allow the worm,
That has so slowly turned,
To reveal, the conspiracy,
That has created such lunacy,
Mr Data Entry can't you see?,
The mess you have made of me,
Can I believe the tales you weave?,
What is this intense sincerity?,
For I feel the need,
To make a creed,
As reality leads,
Me to appease,
The mad master,
That is the Alabaster,
Creator of my fate,
Which I can never sate. 07/22/2004
Author's Note: A different slant on the same poem.
Posted on 07/22/2004 Copyright © 2025 James Zealy