Ashes by Richard VinceUnder the greying autumn skies
I stare out over the barren townscape
And contemplate
The ashes of the world smoulder gracefully
As the last essence of life
Floats homewards as a cloud
Lonely and apathetic
We try to escape to life
But here we are trapped in existence
Our death is beyond memory
So we sit and contemplate another ending
My hands are tired
Maybe I have written too much
I have spent so many years
Writing my life so it is no longer trapped within me
And now I wonder
Do I have life outside my words?
Words can give so much
But mine have only given me away
And cut my soul into small pieces
And so I sit here
Watching the ashes of life crumble around me
Do I even dare to look at myself?
All I do is sit and contemplate
Turning my life into words
The words are my ashes
Can my life rise from them?
I await my arising
Viva la phoenix 09/21/2000 Posted on 06/23/2004 Copyright © 2025 Richard Vince