Forever Young by James ZealyThe sprit is young and fiery,
Even as the years steadily mount.
The body ages, yet the soul thrives.
A paradox unresolved,
Even as the form becomes fragile.
Eyes flash like a beacon,
The voice flows like a mountain stream,
Creating a new path
As the banks begin to wear,
Aging is living, a gift of nature,
Experiences lived, loves lost, pain suffered
Rounds the individual to maturity;
Better to be older and smarter than younger and foolish.
As outward appearances diminish,
Inner strength grows,
Life's experience is the ultimate teacher,
A person well taught has the wisdom of years,
Fret not; the essence lives,
As the body fades, the heart warms,
The intellect ever awake and demanding,
With each passing day, we stay younger inside.
Author's Note: I wrote this as an apology to a lady I worked with. She was in her early 40's and I did the unforgeveable, I guessed her age and weight.
Posted on 06/22/2004 Copyright © 2024 James Zealy